Fucked up. Wrecked on my bike (pedal type) going 20mph around a bend. The road was wet and I didn't see that the road was wet. It was a U shaped bend and the bike just went out from under me. I hit pretty fucking hard and slid a good bit. The results: shoulder hurts soooo bad, arm with some road rash and a hip that is like hamburger with a lot of soreness and bruising. My legs ache from it all also. Fucking nasty shit. I am just overall sore and beat up from the wreck. Good fun.
Other than that not much else going on. Last week of this class and I have 2 major papers to write though it is stuff I enjoy so it shouldn't be a big deal.
Wrestling season is starting. I miss coaching a lot and I mean a lot. I feel like I am letting the kids down by not being there. I could help a lot. I put myself in this situation and the kids suffer some for it. Self imposed guilt.
I miss Helloween also. No parties, no costumes, nothing. Suck the big nuts. Actually my costume this year is as someone who gives a fuck.
Other than that not much else going on. Last week of this class and I have 2 major papers to write though it is stuff I enjoy so it shouldn't be a big deal.
Wrestling season is starting. I miss coaching a lot and I mean a lot. I feel like I am letting the kids down by not being there. I could help a lot. I put myself in this situation and the kids suffer some for it. Self imposed guilt.
I miss Helloween also. No parties, no costumes, nothing. Suck the big nuts. Actually my costume this year is as someone who gives a fuck.