So has this turned into a Sunday thing? Whatever.
Listening to Mastodon and getting ready to clean and press uniforms, fun on a Sunday.
I refer anyone who reads this again to: bully
So I got to see 3 people who are far inferior to me get promoted over me. Gotta love bias and nepotism it is what makes the world go around. This fucking contract. I need to find something else. I have 45 days on contract left but am staying unless I find something else. For all the bad it is still easy money. Of course I am still compromising my beliefs but thats okay. I can be a whore for the dollar for a couple years.
I have a major ingrown hair on my chin and it sucks big balls. Fucking thing is killing me. I am sick of ingrown hairs but they have been with me forever.
Rode again for only the 2nd time in a month yesterday. Felt fucking great. It was a brisk foggy morning and then the fog burned off and it warmed up. Great day for a ride. I like early morning rides, great way to start the day. Try to ride tomorrow.
That might be about it for me. Nothing worth a shit really.
Listening to Mastodon and getting ready to clean and press uniforms, fun on a Sunday.
I refer anyone who reads this again to: bully
So I got to see 3 people who are far inferior to me get promoted over me. Gotta love bias and nepotism it is what makes the world go around. This fucking contract. I need to find something else. I have 45 days on contract left but am staying unless I find something else. For all the bad it is still easy money. Of course I am still compromising my beliefs but thats okay. I can be a whore for the dollar for a couple years.
I have a major ingrown hair on my chin and it sucks big balls. Fucking thing is killing me. I am sick of ingrown hairs but they have been with me forever.
Rode again for only the 2nd time in a month yesterday. Felt fucking great. It was a brisk foggy morning and then the fog burned off and it warmed up. Great day for a ride. I like early morning rides, great way to start the day. Try to ride tomorrow.
That might be about it for me. Nothing worth a shit really.