Not much new to add as usual.
I love rediscovering old music I haven't listened to in a while. Been listening to Coalesce pretty intensely lately. Have not listened to them in at least a year but probably longer. Hit some Joy Division who I haven't listened to in a while. Good fun. Poison the Well has also been in heavy rotation which hasn't been in a while also.
Hanging with the Serbs in a small village named Strpce. Great people and a great time. I was out till 0400 last night and the place was still jumping. Of course having to wake up and get back to camp and work was zero fun. It was a long day and sleep awaits. Digging the Serbs, just a completely different breed of people compared to the Albanians. Sad what is happening here.
Haven't been riding much as my current shift doesn't allow it. I have been running and lifting fairly with a fair intensity which rocks the house.
I need to get some new pictures up on this thing. I need to take some more also.
Marketing class is done. See what I get on the final and my grade. Fucking not my cup of tea. Bleh.
And the last thing on my boring blog: I am super happy for one of the 3 friends I have on this for her set going live, she is a kick ass cool girl: Bully
I love rediscovering old music I haven't listened to in a while. Been listening to Coalesce pretty intensely lately. Have not listened to them in at least a year but probably longer. Hit some Joy Division who I haven't listened to in a while. Good fun. Poison the Well has also been in heavy rotation which hasn't been in a while also.
Hanging with the Serbs in a small village named Strpce. Great people and a great time. I was out till 0400 last night and the place was still jumping. Of course having to wake up and get back to camp and work was zero fun. It was a long day and sleep awaits. Digging the Serbs, just a completely different breed of people compared to the Albanians. Sad what is happening here.
Haven't been riding much as my current shift doesn't allow it. I have been running and lifting fairly with a fair intensity which rocks the house.
I need to get some new pictures up on this thing. I need to take some more also.
Marketing class is done. See what I get on the final and my grade. Fucking not my cup of tea. Bleh.

And the last thing on my boring blog: I am super happy for one of the 3 friends I have on this for her set going live, she is a kick ass cool girl: Bully
seriously. i can't thank you enough for always being soooooo super cute to me.
keep in touch mister!!!!!!!!!
BIG kisses.
and yes. that monroe. he is a handful. but a very cute loveable handful.