Still pretty fucking wrecked from vacation. Shattered I believe would be the correct word. A lot of shit to deal with. My head is spinning pretty fast with all of it. Lots to figure out. Realizations can be a motherfucker.
They say that hindsight is 20/20 but I think hindsight is just another way life kicks you in the nuts.
I have at least 6 pages written about all this crap. Fucking hell. Starting to get back into a groove though. Found the long mountain climbs near me which rocks. A good ride always clears the head.
Fuck am I a mess right now.
They say that hindsight is 20/20 but I think hindsight is just another way life kicks you in the nuts.
I have at least 6 pages written about all this crap. Fucking hell. Starting to get back into a groove though. Found the long mountain climbs near me which rocks. A good ride always clears the head.
Fuck am I a mess right now.