Well, been a member for almost 3 years now but just made my profile public and I have no idea why. I keep a regular journal of my own, not sure how this will go or how much I will keep up on it.
Should have been more involved when I was still home, maybe could have met some more people.
Working a government contract in the armpit of Europe(Kosovo). Debt is a motherfucker and that is why I am here. Just got a bike over here, so I will be able to ride which will make me happier.
Not much of a chance for meeting people or women over here. Just waiting for my leave in May, hitting Europe again, been 5 years.
I always feel like I am walking in the shadows of this world. Never quite feeling right or in. Always missing or lacking something, kind of a big emptiness inside me. That is partly why I am on this current journey.
Woke up one day to a ton of debt, a bunch of material crap I didn't need or want, a corporate america job I hated and a load of unhappiness. So I got rid of most everything except my bikes, took a contract in Kosovo and left everyone and everything I care about behind. Stealing a line from Crimethinc "I awoke in a sweat from the American dream"
Using this contract to pay off my debt, figure out what I want to do, get a degree in something I will actually enjoy doing, traveling and just getting my head straight. Not sure if I will ever go back to the states for good. Don't know where this is going to take me. I got nothin but time on this contract to figure it out.
Should have been more involved when I was still home, maybe could have met some more people.
Working a government contract in the armpit of Europe(Kosovo). Debt is a motherfucker and that is why I am here. Just got a bike over here, so I will be able to ride which will make me happier.
Not much of a chance for meeting people or women over here. Just waiting for my leave in May, hitting Europe again, been 5 years.
I always feel like I am walking in the shadows of this world. Never quite feeling right or in. Always missing or lacking something, kind of a big emptiness inside me. That is partly why I am on this current journey.
Woke up one day to a ton of debt, a bunch of material crap I didn't need or want, a corporate america job I hated and a load of unhappiness. So I got rid of most everything except my bikes, took a contract in Kosovo and left everyone and everything I care about behind. Stealing a line from Crimethinc "I awoke in a sweat from the American dream"
Using this contract to pay off my debt, figure out what I want to do, get a degree in something I will actually enjoy doing, traveling and just getting my head straight. Not sure if I will ever go back to the states for good. Don't know where this is going to take me. I got nothin but time on this contract to figure it out.