Welcome to this week's Nerd Rant. This is like most of my rants and tirades, except nerdier.
This week's episode: Comic Book Movies, or "Why is it okay to like the movies based on comic books, but the actual books are still looked down upon".
Now, perhaps this is more to do with where I live. Imagine that person you knew that had no hopes, dreams, or aspirations. Now imagine an entire city full of people like that person. That's Dover. So, if you care about something, if you enjoy something, or if you want to do something bold in life, they'll think you're a freak.
Anyway, I find it odd that in our society that has come to embrace the world of comic book movies (you know, making more than 1 billion dollars and whatnot), people still tend to judge those who enjoy sitting down for a few minutes, and reading the damn books those movies are based on. Sure, you're free to read any young adult fiction book, but if it has artwork, and if it's bound by staples in the middle, people tell you to grow up.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is, fuck you, people who judge comic book readers. Without us, DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, Image, and all those companies would've failed, and you would've never gotten your favorite summer movies.
Rant over. Enjoy your day.