A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.... Wait, no, that's not right. Fuck.
Yesterday, while working in this week's shooting location (yeah, that's more like it), I got all the equipment ready to go for today and tomorrow's zombie related shoot. While trying to cover a mirror, which I totally fucked up, I found a massive role of plastic sheeting.
I had no plans on doing any sort of elaborate set design for this shoot, but at 3:30pm yesterday, I figured out what I want an entire empty house to look like. So now I have less than 12 hours today to get everything moved in, setup, and ready to shoot, while also not exhausting myself so much that I can't focus on filming (I have to direct, shoot, and record audio tonight).
And you know what?
So today I'll wrap up my set work, shoot half of this thing, and I'm sure I'll post some kind of photos along the way.
(Sorry for the shitty photo quality. It was either slightly orange, or slightly purple. Stupid phone camera).