Now the job I interviewed for was in the building where I've worked for 3 1/2 years, and I knew everyone on the panel. I also knew that, as this is a state job, they most likely created the position to promote one of their employees, but had to post it for legal reasons. Naturally, the person everyone assumed it was created for got the job, and I did not.
That didn't bother me; I've come to expect that in this bullshit state. What bothered me was that the asshole who interviewed me thought it was necessary to tell me "You really shocked us. We didn't expect you to know anywhere near as much as you did in your interview." If that's the case, why the fuck did you interview me in the first place? Oh, yeah, it was to get a number of people you needed to make your job look more legitimate.
So despite being in this building for 3 1/2 years, I finally feel like I got confirmation that they see me, and my coworkers, as insignificant little specks (at best), or complete fucking morons (at worst).
And now that the initial anger has subsided, I see this as the reminder I needed. I have never wanted to be someone who works a 9-5 job at a place where anyone in a higher paygrade sees me as inferior, or stupid. Especially not in a system where getting a job is based on "but we know them, and they'll get mad if we don't give them a job."
So, I spent my day fine tuning my film's budget, contacting actors (and backup actors), getting binders and folders ready for filming, and coming to the conclusion that I'm aiming my films at full on, recognized film festivals. Not just a few, either, I'm talking as many as possible; so many, I cannot actually attend them all. And you know what, I think the title of my current film works even better now.
Tirade over. I've got shit to accomplish. (If I had a mic, I'd drop it right here).