1) I live in the only US state without a film office, so I have no way to get permits or notify the police for films. My first time making a live action short, I had someone dressed up as a DEA agent with a fake shotgun, so 7 cops showed up, ready to arrest us for a double felony, but I got it talked down to a warning. Right before they left, one of them said, "Just be glad we weren't rookies, or we would've shot all of you."
2) I have no explanation for this, and it usually creeps people out, but I can turn both of my legs around, and walk with my feet and kneecaps facing the opposite direction.
3) I'm 0% Italian, but Italian food makes up 75% of what I cook.
4) I'm 25 years old, and I don't know how to swim.
5) To add to #4, if water gets up passed my collarbone, I have a panic attack.
6) I've had a deep voice since I was 15, and it gets deeper every year, so when I had to dub my lines for my last film, I had to digitally raise my pitch to get it to match again.