my sister: 'love all them strays for me!'
me: 'you knows i do!'
a big wet one (or dry if that's you're thing) to the first one who guesses what we're talking about.
by the way: what a complete twat. actually, calling him a twat is an insult to my girlie parts...but what a...
everytime i see pictures of katrina aftermath, it breaks my heart all the more. and yet i twiddle my thumbs, give my 5 bucks to charity intstead of coffee, and sell clothes to people who should be doing the same. does anyone else feel like they're in a fucking bubble that they simply cannot break out of? i sit on public transit, work in one of the wealthiest shopping districts in the city, (selling rich women their fat asses back to them?)...and wish i wasn't a part of it at all. but i am, and to be able to give that 5 bucks, i have to be. disaster after disaster hits this country, natural or otherwise, and people just won't wake the fuck up. people say life goes on, and it does, but really, HOW exactly is it going on?
i hope not the way it was before.
me: 'you knows i do!'
a big wet one (or dry if that's you're thing) to the first one who guesses what we're talking about.

by the way: what a complete twat. actually, calling him a twat is an insult to my girlie parts...but what a...
everytime i see pictures of katrina aftermath, it breaks my heart all the more. and yet i twiddle my thumbs, give my 5 bucks to charity intstead of coffee, and sell clothes to people who should be doing the same. does anyone else feel like they're in a fucking bubble that they simply cannot break out of? i sit on public transit, work in one of the wealthiest shopping districts in the city, (selling rich women their fat asses back to them?)...and wish i wasn't a part of it at all. but i am, and to be able to give that 5 bucks, i have to be. disaster after disaster hits this country, natural or otherwise, and people just won't wake the fuck up. people say life goes on, and it does, but really, HOW exactly is it going on?
i hope not the way it was before.
hello you!
*does a little dance*