internet, internet, wherefore art thou, internet...and why haven't you graced my apartment yet?
the past few days have been interesting of sorts...all shall be divulged in time...simultaneously a fantastic weekend (for reasons that i shall tell all in good time). went to karaoke (old news?) and danced around like a maniac with the lovely ava. went to a bar on monday with some of my friends and danced like a maniac... lots of that happening. i met someone (one of the reasons)...and that person left to go back to freaking NORTH CAROLINA... yeah. but the good news is he's coming back...and i'm going to ENGLAND. ha! cosmic practical jokes always have the best punch
"oh babay babay- oh babay babay"-salt n' peppa via the bionicfemme. just had to share that with you all.
so last night, whilst having an introspective moment, i thought, 'society has tunnel vision to mirror.'
let's play a game:
can you spot the mispelled words?
the past few days have been interesting of sorts...all shall be divulged in time...simultaneously a fantastic weekend (for reasons that i shall tell all in good time). went to karaoke (old news?) and danced around like a maniac with the lovely ava. went to a bar on monday with some of my friends and danced like a maniac... lots of that happening. i met someone (one of the reasons)...and that person left to go back to freaking NORTH CAROLINA... yeah. but the good news is he's coming back...and i'm going to ENGLAND. ha! cosmic practical jokes always have the best punch

"oh babay babay- oh babay babay"-salt n' peppa via the bionicfemme. just had to share that with you all.
so last night, whilst having an introspective moment, i thought, 'society has tunnel vision to mirror.'
let's play a game:
can you spot the mispelled words?

no..that was heart aflutter...whew!
I guess this journal entry was there over my birthday, so I can safely say those days were interesting of sorts as well. In case you havn't heard I:
-hit on a 16 year old.
-told a car full of very large gangstas "FUCK YOU" as loud as I could while flicking them off.
-tackled melissa joan hart.
-puked right next to the toliet in a stripclub
-took off my shoes and pants on Sunset Blvd.
-told a trilobyte he's sexier then billy corgan "no matter what that dumb bitch of a bassist says." Figure that one out.
-played Dance Dance Revolution for the first time even thought I even had tried to make a failed documentary on it years back.
and that was my birthday.