could my roommate's chinchillas PLEASE stop humping?
i mean really! in less than a week we went from 3 to 6.
double or fucking nothing. i was going to continue being
and a little
until i realized.
shit. the little fuckers are cute.
really cute.
damned and cursed maternal instincts.
ok but seriously. stop the humping. stop it now. because rodents should not hump more than me. or should they?
i guess maybe they should. it's a species thing.

i mean really! in less than a week we went from 3 to 6.
double or fucking nothing. i was going to continue being

shit. the little fuckers are cute.

damned and cursed maternal instincts.
ok but seriously. stop the humping. stop it now. because rodents should not hump more than me. or should they?
i guess maybe they should. it's a species thing.

Miss you!