yah so i was just writing some fucking kick ass poetry to post on here kinda of about what's been going on clicked the wrong button and POOF......GONZO. I FUCkiNG HATE WHEN THAT SHiT HAPPENS....maybe i wasn't meant to post it....bAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh
yah so i was just writing some fucking kick ass poetry to post on here kinda of about what's been going on clicked the wrong button and POOF......GONZO. I FUCkiNG HATE WHEN THAT SHiT HAPPENS....maybe i wasn't meant to post it....bAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh
just one more time but
it's not natural at all now
now it's forced & we both
know what's gone
those words i said to you
i could barely recall
it was like
it was like i bared my soul
and we shared a puRE moment
it was like i meet Woman
for the first time that night
wheRe some heavinly spirit
watched oveR us
revealing things
in both our hearts
in the GarDen
Eden RockS
wE changed the UniverSe that night
under the MOON
and behind the SUN
we pationed the CouRT
and they did not find us GUiLTY
for what's come undone
those things we said n' shared
all i can remeber was
a WiLDNESS in youR dancE
awakening something in me
when words stopped
action took over
words could barely
describe what transpired
in one Simplistic word it was
Like something that was lost
in the Wind these secrets
your gift which i can barely explain
what it is exactly that was shared
i meet Eve that night
i meet Woman in all her LiGHT
and i knew this was something
i had waited for
and i was afraid because i knew
that this moment had to end
that is why i neveR wasted anything
and you were so open
you just went with it
and all we are left to say
what exactly happened?
and it's kinda of hard to explain
cuz we were there
but we werent there in a way
did we rise to a higher place
as we embraced and
shared now it's your turn
back and forth
when my words stopped dancing
your body spoke for me
"that's the way to do it...
so here we go.....
Half a day is wasted
and half the day is lived
i'm tired of living for half a day
when there's only less then 24hrs to live
dead and alive
all at the same time
buried yet not fully satisfied
She dies alittle bit
each and every time
giving that gift
breathed back into me
how do you now betray TRUTH
when you basked in the Shadow of LiGHT?
how do you say i will go my own way
and you will go youRS
thank you for your kind words
maybe our paths will croSS again
maybe what you need is more balance
cuz you were out of controL
i will appreciate all of what WOman
has shown me I will be a friend
and to some a little moRE
until then i will wait
i will wait
like i have always done
until we meet again
until then i won't become
[Edited on Jan 23, 2005 11:29AM]