One Foot infront of the other
I was listening to someone speak tonight about crossroads/barriers. That we come to these crossroads, barriers, choices what have you and have to make a decision. Stepping into the known and unknown is something a lot of people have difficulty with, something i have had difficulty with. That feeling of paralyze at the crossroads sucks, afraid to make any decision at all, refusing to move.... THe point is you never know what doors will be opened if you take that first step at the crossraods. That first leap over that barrier. You just don't know what will be opened up to you later on in this journey called life, because you decieded to take a step today....tommorrow you could be on the otherside of pain.
I was listening to someone speak tonight about crossroads/barriers. That we come to these crossroads, barriers, choices what have you and have to make a decision. Stepping into the known and unknown is something a lot of people have difficulty with, something i have had difficulty with. That feeling of paralyze at the crossroads sucks, afraid to make any decision at all, refusing to move.... THe point is you never know what doors will be opened if you take that first step at the crossraods. That first leap over that barrier. You just don't know what will be opened up to you later on in this journey called life, because you decieded to take a step today....tommorrow you could be on the otherside of pain.
ah is that the joker? 1st time i did acid i watched batman. fuck it was scary
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