I've been thinking about Elvis lately. What if he really is still alive and came back into the public spotlight. Some of the arguments people make for him faking his own death can be perseuading (however you spell it). Apparently he may have testified against some Mafia organized crime and been put into a witness protection program. He had gone as far as he could and his health was deteriorating, it would make sense that he just wanted the roller coaster to end and just go away.
It's funny, I volunteer at a local Cable T.V station and pretty much help produce a talk show called Insights once a week. We had this guy calls himself Elvis Priestly, get it? Priestly, i know
Anyways the guy is a Priest who does his Elvis thing, kids use to love the gimick and it seemed not cheesy or anything, the guy was cool. Also on the show there was a guy from Newmarket doing a skate for cancer thing. Skating from La to Toronto to raise money for Cancer. His mom died of cancer recently and the event is basically in done in her memory. It's funny we did a similiar thing when my mom was taken from Cancer with something called Swim for the Cure.
One of my efriends says that her next door neighbour is in his late 50's looks kinda of like elvis and is a trucker with a daughter, possible? uhhhhhhhm probably not, but if Elvis is still alive he probably is chilling in Hawai or something.
Everyone knows how large the Beatles are, but ELvis was just that much more. It was said once that the Beatles were like 4 mini Elvis. Regardless Elvis was an amazing Man, you could really hear him put his soul into his music at whatever stage of life he was in.
That incubus song, Meglomanic got me thinking lately.....What if Elvis came back?? People like worshipped the dude. He is the "idol" of the last Century. His return would be like a 2nd coming, almost Christ-like for some people. Kind of makes you think eh? Or maybe it doesn't.
People sometimes like to seperate the ELvis they like into phases. There is early ELvis, hill billy rock/gospel roots type thang. Post-War ELvis, which sort of like was a transition period that would move into the drugged out era. And then there is the Las Vegas ELvis, fuck Las Vegas it killed the dude. People have their favorite Elvis's but it was all the same dude. He was a Chrisitian and that was a big part of who he was, he was a "lady killer", blessed singer, just a great dude man.
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It's funny, I volunteer at a local Cable T.V station and pretty much help produce a talk show called Insights once a week. We had this guy calls himself Elvis Priestly, get it? Priestly, i know

One of my efriends says that her next door neighbour is in his late 50's looks kinda of like elvis and is a trucker with a daughter, possible? uhhhhhhhm probably not, but if Elvis is still alive he probably is chilling in Hawai or something.
Everyone knows how large the Beatles are, but ELvis was just that much more. It was said once that the Beatles were like 4 mini Elvis. Regardless Elvis was an amazing Man, you could really hear him put his soul into his music at whatever stage of life he was in.
That incubus song, Meglomanic got me thinking lately.....What if Elvis came back?? People like worshipped the dude. He is the "idol" of the last Century. His return would be like a 2nd coming, almost Christ-like for some people. Kind of makes you think eh? Or maybe it doesn't.
People sometimes like to seperate the ELvis they like into phases. There is early ELvis, hill billy rock/gospel roots type thang. Post-War ELvis, which sort of like was a transition period that would move into the drugged out era. And then there is the Las Vegas ELvis, fuck Las Vegas it killed the dude. People have their favorite Elvis's but it was all the same dude. He was a Chrisitian and that was a big part of who he was, he was a "lady killer", blessed singer, just a great dude man.
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