Ok, I'm a little fucking pissed off. My work doesnt allow people to have facial piercing, so whatever i take it out. But took the bead out and left the nail part in. So im drinking my drink later in the night and i feel something and i'm like what was that....OH SHIT I swallowed it. Yup so I swallowed my labret or whatever the fuck it is. So I'm like no big deal I wont die from it, well i dont think so, but i get home and go to lip for my lip ring that i put away and i can't find it anywhere so that's like 80-100 dollars of jewerellary down the shitter, literally. I'm not so sure if im dying to fish out the piece of jewerlery from my shit and try to decontaminate it or not, I'm so broke right now i might have too. Speaking about being broke, I didn't get paid tonight because I was "iN training", that's some bullshit. Why they just don't pay me for doing the work I have no idea. Soooooo as a result I'm a little pissed off right now.
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