Wow! I totally fell off the face of the earth for awhile. I don't know what happened. I just fell into this vortex of stress and my entire life was put on hold. I only now feel like I am coming up for air. I am so happy it is finally spring time. I think one more week of ice and snow would have done...
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Have a great weekend!
Are you still off the earth? Just thought I would check in 

I am feeling better (finally). I am so happy that the week has ended. I am desperate for some sleep.
This weekend is going to be all about fun! It's time to let loose and get funky.
Peace ya'll!
This weekend is going to be all about fun! It's time to let loose and get funky.
Peace ya'll!
you're right that we shouldn't outright reject sadness... it's easy to because it's not comfortable but it is natural and real.
chocolate silk is the bestestes
I think I have the flu. I feel really hot and really cold at the same time. It's weird. It's like my body can't really decide when I am burning up or freezing. And the whole time I am sweating. I slept for twelve hours last night thinking that it might help but I still feel strange.
Oh, well, it could be worse I suppose....
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Oh, well, it could be worse I suppose....
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bah. being sick is no fun. missing work for being sick is even worse. you have to make it all up but it's like you never got a vacation in the first place.
feel better.
feel better.
Awww get well soon! I just got over it, had it for a week

I have been so busy. The past several weeks have just flown by. I am still committed to feeling positive about 2007 but it has been brutal recently. I have been wanting to blog but when I get to my computer I am too worn out to think of anything interesting. Oh well, life carries on. I just cannot believe how tired I am. Time...
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I hope all is well with you. Thanks for the comment. i thought you might agree with me about weight loss

I hear you on this one.

Praise the Lord! It's finally Friday. I am still recovering from New Year's Eve. It's not that I drank too much (even though I really did) I just didn't get any sleep. I have some serious sleep debt that needs to be paid.
I am excited about 2007. I can just feel that this is going to be a very cool year. I suppose that...
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I am excited about 2007. I can just feel that this is going to be a very cool year. I suppose that...
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I afree 2007 will be a geeat year> i have started off the year by going to see a band called Shihad play. They are one of my favourite NZ bands
I have been so busy. The past several weeks have just flown by. I am still committed to feeling positive about 2007 but it has been brutal recently. I have been wanting to blog but when I get to my computer I am too worn out to think of anything interesting. Oh well, life carries on. I just cannot believe how tired I am. Time is just slipping away.
Anyway, I pray all is well.
Anyway, I pray all is well.
Merry after-Christmas everyone! I am officially no longer feeling blue. I don't know what it is but something about the holidays always puts me into a funk. Happily the funk is now over.
That's it. I hope everyone is well.

That's it. I hope everyone is well.
Happy New Year! Good to hear you are feeling better!

Happy new year

I am feeling strangely blue today. This always happens with Christmas around the corner. Something about the holidays always puts me into a little bit of a funk. (Sigh)
I hope all of you are well. Peace.
I hope all of you are well. Peace.
you're right about that!
are you feeling any better?
are you feeling any better?
Christmas can be bad especially when getting together with family when you some family members wind you up the wrong way. i hope you had a great christmas. Mine was pretty painless.
The dieting is going well. I weighed in at Weight Watchers and it actually worked. I lost some weight. The holidays feels like an insane time to eat healthfully but I have made my decision. I just need to stay away from the egg nog laced with rum. Mmmm... rum.
But I am getting ahead of myself. Have a happy day!
But I am getting ahead of myself. Have a happy day!

Yay! I am glad it is working. I got an ipod last night for my birfday so I have some company for the gym!
I am glad the dieting is working. Going to kung foo is definitly changing my body shape and I am losing weight too.

The diet is going well (sort of.) I totally blew it yesterday. I was on a roll until the stress of work and traffic took over. I made myself some totally decadent Indian food that was not dietetic at all to ease my pain. Oh well, every day is a new day to start over again and I have been good today. I go to...
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Dieting must be hard. I haven't tried it myself. Although I do generally eat quite healthy food. I have also started kungfoo lessons which is a lot of fun. I am glad you liked my pics of Welllington. Enjoy your weekend of work and I hope you have a great week.

Dieting has begun. I have gone on diets before and I always forget how hard they can be. I am on my third day. After much deliberation I settled on Weight Watchers because I don't have the discipline to diet on my own. It is kinda fun (in its own way.) It looks like I will have to give up drinking if I want this...
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Good luck with the diet! I made it to the gym two days in a row! Yay me 

good luck dieting is hard. plus it sucks but it is worth it if you stick it out.