So it got worse. Here is the updated timeline after the spoiler so not to repeat myself:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Timeline:
7:30 Arrive - one of my two bags did not.
8:00 Next flight was supposed to land
8:30 No plane
9:00 No plane but the screen was still displaying "On Time"
Aliens I say.
9:00 get back to the house and realize my cat's ear looks like someone shoved a grape between the skin, he's not responding to me calling him and he seem out of sorts
9:15 rush George to emergency vet
9:30 find out it's an unexplained hematoma and they need to do surgery to fix it. Vet says he's worried because there's no signs of ear mites (the usual cause)
10:30 arrive home, minus cat, minus gallons of tears, emotionally drained.
11:00 get in bed
12:00 no sleep
1:00 no sleep
2:00 no sleep
3:00 call from vet George is ok and no signs of anything to be worried about.
3:05 pass out
7:00 pick up a very happy patient from the vet
7:00 am Wednesday wake up and George's ear is puffed back up a little.
8:00 call vet for appointment.
2:00 appointement and vet lady says
"Who did this to him?"
4:00 go back to work minus my baby and another gallon or so of tears.
Here's the laundry list of what my vet said they did wrong:
1. cut through the cartiledge
2. didn't clean the infection all the way out
3. sewed him back up through the back of the ear
4. didn't give me pain killers for him
5. the topical antibiotic stings so they were supposed to give me an oral one.
Unfortunately it's nothing unethical, just bad doctoring. I really don't want to have to hate someone. And by hate I mean kill.