Saturday was the SGTexas meet up at Six Flags. It was a great day, weather was perfect, people were perfect. Then after was xcdat's after party. Much fun and much alcohol was had. There I met even more of the beautiful people of SG.
Party People
Party People
Pingz likes toe beer.
And apparently Photorico and I got very close...
Monday Pingz and I went to see Thank You For Smoking and I had the best curry ever.
Got back to Baton Rouge on time, but that was the only good thing about last night.
7:30 Arrive - one of my two bags did not.
8:00 Next flight was supposed to land
8:30 No plane
9:00 No plane but the screen was still displaying "On Time" Aliens I say.
9:00 get back to the house and realize my cat's ear looks like someone shoved a grape between the skin, he's not responding to me calling him and he seem out of sorts
9:15 rush George to emergency vet
9:30 find out it's an unexplained hematoma and they need to do surgery to fix it. Vet says he's worried because there's no signs of ear mites (the usual cause)
10:30 arrive home, minus cat, minus gallons of tears, emotionally drained.
11:00 get in bed
12:00 no sleep
1:00 no sleep
2:00 no sleep
3:00 call from vet George is ok and no signs of anything to be worried about.
3:05 pass out
7:00 pick up a very happy patient from the vet