Yay, finally up.
Preface to journal:
I still consider myself new to Portland, probably because I leave every two months and because I have been so solitary. Strangely, I felt wistful this morning getting ready to fly to Florida. Then I realized that I actually consider Portland my *home* now, a very good feeling at this time. I haven't really had a home for years, borrowed furniture, living out of boxes, one eye elsewhere...no real attachments besides my fam who have long since scattered around. Now I know that besides being a country-hopper and traveler, for here (the U.S.) I am a West-sider! I have "my" little posse in PDX and "my" cafe, "my" personal slave, my own business, repeat clientele...I had to shed a lot of karmas to get here.
I have so many projects in my life that I decided to save my email to a good friend and fellow country-hopper and use it as a journal (and I am flat lining here)
May 10 6am Letter to Kierin
I thought you were so poly! I can't believe you're engaged! God, I hate it when my friends get married. Ecuador, eh? Had a nervous breakdown there, never been back.
I just wrote about you today! New Fave Band= De Phazz
They have a song called "Mambo Craze" about all of their misadventures across Latin America, so I waxed nostalgic
(if that can include last year too) and wanted to write my own.
Here's my Kierin vignette
All night stand in the ruins of Copan
Horse ride plan next day 'Oh man!!!'
Sweet breeze on the island Roatan
pour me another if you please
Met a Che in the streets of San Jose
Kicked out of Costa Rica smuggler chica
Was so merry in the streets of Buenos Aires
punk rock dreads and pres Mendes
too much porro in the old Palermo burrough
cat fights stalked by dykes Argetina nights
all that jazz in the ciudad La Paz
grahms from mates in prison gates
hitched a ride in pick-up truck with Quecha tribes
so surprised I'm still alive
(I have to go on because my notorieties span 3 continents)
London cold grey days couldn't take another day
hauled ass fast Holland at last
Opium high with street-wise guys from Surinam
gettin slammed in squats in Amsterdam
Tore shit up at Pepsi fest in Budapest
absinthe wreck republic Czeck
Hash from Sudan through holy month of Ramadan
sinned with boy-toy from Aswan land
hit by a bus but I didn't cause no fuss
got knocked down old Cairo town
Punch taxi-driving fool in a bar in Istanbul
a little worked with drunken Turks
Drank with nuns Roman ruins of Dalmatia
Some quiet time sleepy Croatia
well, I'm still working on it.
They say things like "Space cake break at the Titicaca lake
Got some more in Ecuador
stole a car in the streets of Panama
went too far in Bogota"
And it's all done to this ~HAPPY~ Carmen Miranda Mambo !
(to be continued for later dates)
Portland had its very bad times , but I finally am making some phat flow with being a dominatrix! I had a dungeon built in a 2 bedroom house and I just love it! I'm soooooo natural, I am getting lots of repeats and awesome letters! Expanding my skills!
floggers and cats, finally mastering a single tail *snap*!!!, wax, OTK, CBT, electrotorture with my new TENS unit, face smothering...and delighted the whole time! I think they know that I care about our session and I have a lot of fun, my "dominance" is never questioned... it's real "unlike some other 'stiff bitches.'" (said sub). I have been called a beautiful, delightful sadist because I erupt into peals of laughter, which I am not even aware of until I'm told afterwards.
But still can't find a ____ buddy! What the hell is wrong around here!
What is it Kierin? I am soooooo much more bleep and bleep than I have ever been in my life. It's hard to reach my own bleep which I just precisely located!!!!!!!!!
So back to Latin America. Well, a woeful congratulations for you, but I'll miss the idea of country hop bumpin' into eachother. I think about you a lot, I just have so many emails and all that jazz. Pretty good complaints these days compared to days of yore!
love ya love ya love ya! Always blessing you
kirinito wrote:
> And still living in Germany... but I think I'm
> heading off to Ecuador soon to work as a nature
> guide.
> How's Portland?
> I'm engaged, too.
> Kierin
Preface to journal:
I still consider myself new to Portland, probably because I leave every two months and because I have been so solitary. Strangely, I felt wistful this morning getting ready to fly to Florida. Then I realized that I actually consider Portland my *home* now, a very good feeling at this time. I haven't really had a home for years, borrowed furniture, living out of boxes, one eye elsewhere...no real attachments besides my fam who have long since scattered around. Now I know that besides being a country-hopper and traveler, for here (the U.S.) I am a West-sider! I have "my" little posse in PDX and "my" cafe, "my" personal slave, my own business, repeat clientele...I had to shed a lot of karmas to get here.

I have so many projects in my life that I decided to save my email to a good friend and fellow country-hopper and use it as a journal (and I am flat lining here)
May 10 6am Letter to Kierin
I thought you were so poly! I can't believe you're engaged! God, I hate it when my friends get married. Ecuador, eh? Had a nervous breakdown there, never been back.
I just wrote about you today! New Fave Band= De Phazz
They have a song called "Mambo Craze" about all of their misadventures across Latin America, so I waxed nostalgic
(if that can include last year too) and wanted to write my own.
Here's my Kierin vignette
All night stand in the ruins of Copan
Horse ride plan next day 'Oh man!!!'
Sweet breeze on the island Roatan
pour me another if you please
Met a Che in the streets of San Jose
Kicked out of Costa Rica smuggler chica
Was so merry in the streets of Buenos Aires
punk rock dreads and pres Mendes
too much porro in the old Palermo burrough
cat fights stalked by dykes Argetina nights
all that jazz in the ciudad La Paz
grahms from mates in prison gates
hitched a ride in pick-up truck with Quecha tribes
so surprised I'm still alive
(I have to go on because my notorieties span 3 continents)
London cold grey days couldn't take another day
hauled ass fast Holland at last
Opium high with street-wise guys from Surinam
gettin slammed in squats in Amsterdam
Tore shit up at Pepsi fest in Budapest
absinthe wreck republic Czeck
Hash from Sudan through holy month of Ramadan
sinned with boy-toy from Aswan land
hit by a bus but I didn't cause no fuss
got knocked down old Cairo town
Punch taxi-driving fool in a bar in Istanbul
a little worked with drunken Turks
Drank with nuns Roman ruins of Dalmatia
Some quiet time sleepy Croatia
well, I'm still working on it.
They say things like "Space cake break at the Titicaca lake
Got some more in Ecuador
stole a car in the streets of Panama
went too far in Bogota"
And it's all done to this ~HAPPY~ Carmen Miranda Mambo !
(to be continued for later dates)
Portland had its very bad times , but I finally am making some phat flow with being a dominatrix! I had a dungeon built in a 2 bedroom house and I just love it! I'm soooooo natural, I am getting lots of repeats and awesome letters! Expanding my skills!
floggers and cats, finally mastering a single tail *snap*!!!, wax, OTK, CBT, electrotorture with my new TENS unit, face smothering...and delighted the whole time! I think they know that I care about our session and I have a lot of fun, my "dominance" is never questioned... it's real "unlike some other 'stiff bitches.'" (said sub). I have been called a beautiful, delightful sadist because I erupt into peals of laughter, which I am not even aware of until I'm told afterwards.
But still can't find a ____ buddy! What the hell is wrong around here!
What is it Kierin? I am soooooo much more bleep and bleep than I have ever been in my life. It's hard to reach my own bleep which I just precisely located!!!!!!!!!
So back to Latin America. Well, a woeful congratulations for you, but I'll miss the idea of country hop bumpin' into eachother. I think about you a lot, I just have so many emails and all that jazz. Pretty good complaints these days compared to days of yore!
love ya love ya love ya! Always blessing you
kirinito wrote:
> And still living in Germany... but I think I'm
> heading off to Ecuador soon to work as a nature
> guide.
> How's Portland?
> I'm engaged, too.
> Kierin

well, I can give you a very good idea of what a session is like:
About time, I purposely don't keep a clock in my dungeon. I am generous with time, and since I enjoy what I do I am very zen focused. I am not thinking at all about my life, never about Mom, groceries...it's a hypnotic space and they are in it too. I am pretty thourough with applications. Woman haters usually target prostitutes- I am far too public and they can tell already by my site that I am not a fool. Once I had just finished a book, ironically, on "sensual female dominance" and I thought I had really learned a few things. I thought to myself (verbatim) " Wow! I'm being so professional!" and the guy said
[Edited on May 11, 2005 10:53PM]
[Edited on May 11, 2005 11:23PM]
Thank You for a wonderful session today!
You seem naturally Dominant, and You are very,
very, beautiful! i could probably compliment
Your stunning beauty more, but i'd be here all
night typing! i really like Your style and hope
this is the start of something really good!
my favorite part of our session was when You BLEEP! i like how You said i deserved it for being too
loud! (Very humiliating!)
i hope this could be a regular occurrence.
The c&b torture was great! i believe You when You say You're sadistic!
Do You do play piercing?
Would You consider suturing my pee hole shut?
i'm excited about the idea of seeing You at least once a month.
i'd like to try a few sessions in a row so we can kind of get to
know each other. i know Your leaving for a while though.
i'll call tomorrow so we can discuss it.
Take care Domina Ondine,
Your new Japanese torture prisoner,
slave d
[Edited on May 11, 2005 11:16PM]