Hello there!
As you may know my absolute favorite beverage in the world is tea that I prefer over coffee any time.
Maybe you got the hint from the title of my first set "Take a tea with me".
During my life I’ve tried a ton of teas and my all time favorite is the ginger flavoured. It’s energizing and also tastes good cold!
I started to discover more teas and quickly fell in love with different teas and tea brands but the teas I love the most are all by Clipper company.
I like drink tea especially at breakfast or in the evening with my friends (I’m drinking tea as I write this) .
In my neighbourhood there is a pretty english tea room named " British corner" that serves tea in strange cups and very delicious cakes. Often during the winter I go there with my boyfriend to drink hot tea.
I like to drink tea in the summer as well, I sometimes make fresh infuses of tea and ginger.
Anyway the tea helps me focus because it contains theanine which helps me switch off distractions. It works on the brain to enable me to stay alert yet relaxed.
And what's your favorite beverage?
Thanks to @MISSY @RAMBO @LYXZEN for this gorgeous blog homework.
With love