Hello lovely people!
I think the best day of my life is the 10th of december as it is the day I took my dog Kikkona from the shelter where she was.
Since this day my life has changed a lot: every morning, she comes in my bed to wake me up and kiss me, so I start my day whit happiness and joy.
I really adore her and I really think that she is one of the best living being on the world; I'm so happy to have rescued her and bring her to my place: now she is a fundamental part of my little family.
Kikkona has a very particular personality as she is lovely and quite shy; she is also fearful as when she was a puppy she was mistreated; for the reason, in fact, I decided to meet a dog educator one day a week to help her to solve this problem and at the same time to help us to manage with it.
I swear she is the sweetest doggy in the world and she definitely makes my life happier.
Thanks to @rambo @missy
Whit love ❤