Alright, first thing, great re-brand. You would struggle to find a more change-averse person than me, but I like it. Very funky. Second thing, I have manage to piss off my ex-girlfriend, so I am not happy at the mo [hmm, no available emoticon will suffice]. Don't worry, this is not the psycho one who I am hopefully going to gay bingo with on Sunday;...
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Things I know now that I didn't a few days ago:

1. I am flying to Canada on Sunday. This is a good thing, as I thought I was flying on Monday until my Aunt emailed me to ask me if I was still coming on Sunday and I checked the dates.

2. I have 7 stitches in each eye. This was news to me....
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To her credit, my ex- has used an ounce of consideration for once in her life and re-arranged for later in the day. That's all she ever has to do. It really is simple, but she is a hugely difficult person who would rather cause me stress because she truly doesn't give a fuck.
Alright, so I didn't calm down after an hour after all. In fact, I haven't calmed down since. I am officially off the calm wagon. Not helped by my fucking ex-girlfriend. We arrange to meet this Sunday at 3pm. She is hamster-sitting so I am going to help her. We arranged this a week ago. I email her today: "Are we still meeting Sunday?". "Yes"....
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A few months ago I started seeing a hypnotherapist to try one more time to sort out my sleep problems. I have come to the conclusion that they are 'all in the nut', so it seemed as good a route to go as any.

How much success it's had with my sleep is debatable, but like a car mechanic you go in for a broken...
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Right, hands up if you give a fuck (and are not me) but I played 3/4 of another netball match tonight. We got thoroughly kicked but I got to play another 1/2 as Goal Shooter followed by a quarter as Goal Attack, where I really didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Still, I somehow managed to get the award and the prestigious prize...
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Go fucking team! I played netball tonight for the first time since I messed up a couple of fingers over a month ago. The first game we lost by 5 and I didn't play too well, but in the second game I was part of a team of randoms as a team had pulled out and we kicked arse!

I debuted at Goal Defence for...
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Once again can I say: "Jamie Oliver, complete wanker but wonderful recipes". American chop salad tonight - gorgeous.

So the date with Michelle didn't go wonderfully. She's really nice, but we just didn't click like that. Not that it matters now as we won't be getting it on, but I hadn't realised just how short she is. She's not exactly a member of the Fuckawe...
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On the upside, I have my long-awaited 'deaf and dumb' date with the gorgeus Michelle tomorrow, so-called because I have seen her a couple of times but never really spoken to her. She works in concert promotion so has got us onto the guestlist for the Flaming Lips concert, which should be good.

On the downside, they weren't joking when they said that it was...
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I know my posts are getting shorter, but can I just say what an unmitigated piece of shit Windows is. That's all.
They test for carbon monoxide by making you take a deep breath, holding it for ten seconds and then breathing in to a machine thing and then it gives you a reading smile

A Therapy? fan eh?? That's what I like to see smile
smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile
How could I even think of going to bed without saying HAPPY A-DAY, MOTHERFUCKERS!!! If you haven't got a clue what I am on about, then you are very lucky and probably haven't spent in excess of the last year planning in some way for 6 April 2006.
smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile
I've just managed to get a photo onto this thing. Next stop, a decent photo... shocked Breath. Hold. Don't.