New to this place and this kinda thing but when I saw how lovely everyone here looked I just couldn't control myself. I love the tattoo nation and finally have the means to add more and more to my own image. One's body is their temple and shouldn't we express what we're all about through our ink. I think so atleast and this is what I love so if you're a hater then you can do you, because I'm sure as hell going to do me. If you don't like it then don't bring your little negative nancy ass on around here.
More Blogs
Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Om nom nom nom nom. Food for thought about my life's -Roommate ha… -
Saturday Aug 18, 2012
Flash update: -Moved to SC. Chucktown to be exact. -About to start … -
Tuesday Jul 24, 2012
Suppose I should write a real update. Got back from my trip to SC a … -
Tuesday Jul 24, 2012
Can't sleep. What a drag. -
Tuesday Jun 26, 2012
Holy schizzle I have forgotten to post for a whole month!? What is wr… -
Saturday May 26, 2012
I've got another race tomorrow. 5k's are such fun. I wish I could do … -
Friday May 25, 2012
I need a drink. Remember why we celebrate Memorial Day this weekend. … -
Thursday May 24, 2012
Hey I just creeped you, And this is lazy, but here's my FB. Stalk me,… -
Monday May 07, 2012
Finished my first Tough Mudder yesterday Very pleased with myself al… -
Friday Apr 13, 2012
Sick for the past few days. What a way to start the new job. Working …