did some remote viewing today, but i think i did horrible. we'll see.
I think it could be cool to come out with a more powerful version of nyquill called DIEquill. It's vapor could have an extra effect so you pass out right away and then wake up feeling like a scotish tapdancer, and then you get up and tap dance all over the place to bagpipes. yeah that would be awesome.
I think it could be cool to come out with a more powerful version of nyquill called DIEquill. It's vapor could have an extra effect so you pass out right away and then wake up feeling like a scotish tapdancer, and then you get up and tap dance all over the place to bagpipes. yeah that would be awesome.
I sincerely hope that you didnt pick up the vibes that I was condemning someone for their beliefs.
well take care..and I wish you the best with your viewing. and all that you may take on.