Tommorrow I leave living in montreal forever. I go to k-town for a few days to chill with my old skool friends and my folks, maybe do some dancing and coffee sipping. Thursday I fly to vancouver and see my babe, who I haven't seen or felt in over 2 months! There we mack all weekend long in our new apartment and monday I go job hunting. Talk about huge shifts in life goings ons. I'm no where near done packing, and am beyond freaking out. Luckily my awesome dad is here to load all my belongings into his minivan and drive me back to my hometown -all on a long weekend, and his 60th birthday to boot! Like I said -awesome.... must run in the family. We went to a show of some super french jazz/blues/rock guy on friday. Anybody who does a set over an hour is rad in my book (too many expensive dissapointing 45 minute shows) and this guy was on stage giving it his all (his band too) for over 2 hours straight. I was quite impressed. Although I didn't understand anything he was saying. Music was fucking awesome though! Then we drove around for an hour trying to get to the other side of a hiway for some uber yummy steak at 'le biftheque'. YUM! You get a little red plastic cow on your steak. I kept mine. Ha Ha. So as soon as I'm done this journal entry, I am going to dissasemble my computer and pack it in my luggage so I have my computer as soon as I get to vancouver. Obsessed much? Yar. god knows when I'll get internet hooked up... ciao bitches!
WELCOME to Vancouver and the beautiful westcoast!