#6 Happy birthday to Me!
2 more days til I'm 26. I find that I'm caring less and less about the birthday thing as I get older. Might have something to do with not drinking much anymore...it may also have to do with being so stessed out that it doesn't matter. But in happy news, I've hooked back up with an old friend of mine, I've been cast in an independant zombie movie (is there any other kind), and I am going to see the dentist for insured dental care. Wooohooo! In other news, I am obsessed with 24! I've been watching the first season on dvd and I tell ya, there is no other way to do it. That show fucking rules! I think if I watched it on normal tv I'd go insane waiting for the next episode. Anyways, I've been having dreams about it since I started this season, and let me tell you -I kick ass! My site is up again, but I need a new hoster in less than 3 weeks. Thanx to everyone who gave advice! I will use it wisely and keep you informed whether you like it or not. haHa!
2 more days til I'm 26. I find that I'm caring less and less about the birthday thing as I get older. Might have something to do with not drinking much anymore...it may also have to do with being so stessed out that it doesn't matter. But in happy news, I've hooked back up with an old friend of mine, I've been cast in an independant zombie movie (is there any other kind), and I am going to see the dentist for insured dental care. Wooohooo! In other news, I am obsessed with 24! I've been watching the first season on dvd and I tell ya, there is no other way to do it. That show fucking rules! I think if I watched it on normal tv I'd go insane waiting for the next episode. Anyways, I've been having dreams about it since I started this season, and let me tell you -I kick ass! My site is up again, but I need a new hoster in less than 3 weeks. Thanx to everyone who gave advice! I will use it wisely and keep you informed whether you like it or not. haHa!
Oh, just out of curiousity, how the HELL did your set get rejected? It's incredible.