Tommorrow I leave living in montreal forever. I go to k-town for a few days to chill with my old skool friends and my folks, maybe do some dancing and coffee sipping. Thursday I fly to vancouver and see my babe, who I haven't seen or felt in over 2 months! There we mack all weekend long in our new apartment and monday I go...
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I know this is early but I'll say it anyways.
WELCOME to Vancouver and the beautiful westcoast!
WELCOME to Vancouver and the beautiful westcoast!

hey all...
I got killed twice this past week... I've never been killed before, then bam! Twice in one week... Monday I got my guts eaten out by a hot zombie godess, and saturday my assasination attempt went awry and I got stabbed with my own knife. Yeeesh, I really should be careful who I hang out with, eh?
So I did more footage on...
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I got killed twice this past week... I've never been killed before, then bam! Twice in one week... Monday I got my guts eaten out by a hot zombie godess, and saturday my assasination attempt went awry and I got stabbed with my own knife. Yeeesh, I really should be careful who I hang out with, eh?
So I did more footage on...
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welll come to visit to victoria some time , it's not like you have to stay here 
[Edited on Jul 18, 2005 10:41AM]

[Edited on Jul 18, 2005 10:41AM]
It's fuckin hot here in Van also the last few days. To hot for my liking.
I'm hopin Rejects is good also. Looks like it will be. and Fan Four was definately a fun movie plus it was shot here so thats always cool.
Have a good flight. Check ya laters.
I'm hopin Rejects is good also. Looks like it will be. and Fan Four was definately a fun movie plus it was shot here so thats always cool.
Have a good flight. Check ya laters.

that frog looks happy for some reason. Bizarre.
Where are you moving to? Bah, I hate moving, it is horribly obnoxious, but at least you get a chance to start over and throw away a bunch of your "treasures".
Where are you moving to? Bah, I hate moving, it is horribly obnoxious, but at least you get a chance to start over and throw away a bunch of your "treasures".

I've seen Batman Begins three times already. I'd watch it more, but going to movies are expensive. Now I'll wait till the cheap theater or buy it the day it comes out on dvd.
I guess it's about time for another journal entry... Hah Ha -fooled you ---it's not that time at all! really what you are seeing now is what you want me to be writting and all that jazz. So, until it really is time....
the quick life update:
my bf left for victoria on wednesday for 3 months. I bought a...
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I guess it's about time for another journal entry... Hah Ha -fooled you ---it's not that time at all! really what you are seeing now is what you want me to be writting and all that jazz. So, until it really is time....

the quick life update:
my bf left for victoria on wednesday for 3 months. I bought a...
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I'm not so sure the suffocating humidity is all that glorious. It's all of 38 degrees right now, humidity and all.
I want a pug! ME! MEEEEE! hehe
and I hear you on the hawtness! and they wonder why us Canadian chicks are always so hot n bothered??? lol
and I hear you on the hawtness! and they wonder why us Canadian chicks are always so hot n bothered??? lol
It's a funny weather day out today... warm and windy, sunny with some rain bursts, and as warm as july. I love it!
My boyfriend and I are in a situation:
He's moving to victoria for the summer because he has a job there and not here in montreal
I'm staying here because I stand to make lots of moola here and have nothing out...
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My boyfriend and I are in a situation:
He's moving to victoria for the summer because he has a job there and not here in montreal
I'm staying here because I stand to make lots of moola here and have nothing out...
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haha well victoria is not that badd and really not that far away
i envy you lots. i want new big boobs!
i want a doggy too!
i want a doggy too!
What do you think is better; the whole He-man/She-ra thing or the Thundercats thing?
definitely Thundercats
He-Man all the way baby!

I was always confused by the fact that they gave Skeletor Storm troopers that could fly? And where the fuck was orco??? For sear doood
She-ra wasn't overlooked. She had a cartoon movie and I had the action figure. Along with all of the other He-Man action figures...the new one should be a sequal. you know. since Skeletor's head pops up at the end of the credits. That way Dolph can ressurect his acting career(he was to be the next arnie...he had it all, the bad english, the bad acting, the big muscles...)
I am so sleepy I keep falling asleep at the computer. I haven't found any animals very amusing lately except for my dog and cows. They look funny when they run. My last exam is next thursday. The last weekend in april we start shooting my scenes for the zombie movie. should be fun... I get to play a disgruntled waitress. I've been getting about...
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ya know, i've never really had dirty thoughts about alf... and i mean now i still dont... but still, part of me just kinda wants to open mouth kiss him right now.
that's a really frightening picture... I'm going away now... and it's going to be burned on my brain for ever now...meh..

hello all,
A week ago my big gay friend garret says "oh my god I have the sweetest job opportunity for you! My like boss's boss needs like a wine girl for his restaurant and you'd totally knock him dead! Oh but you can't have any piercings in or visable tattoos cuz it's a super fancy shmancy traditional italian place -you know like Really italian....
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A week ago my big gay friend garret says "oh my god I have the sweetest job opportunity for you! My like boss's boss needs like a wine girl for his restaurant and you'd totally knock him dead! Oh but you can't have any piercings in or visable tattoos cuz it's a super fancy shmancy traditional italian place -you know like Really italian....
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anxiety attacks are the suck. xanex is kewl.
you are thinking soooo much... lets have fun 

But also at the same times reminds me of auschwitz in poland when i visited the place ones... sort of creepy ehh
... that last shot, nice