There is a great injustice in the world that I feel hasn't been dealt with properly. An injustice so unjust it just boils my blood to even think of it. Many of you will think it silly of me to bother with such a trivial matter and, you would be entirely right. It is silly. The injustice I shall reveal to you today is the vilification of women's sexual organs through inappropriate naming. I'm not talking about calling a woman's baby-maker a cunt or a pussy or an axe-wound or whatever you watn to call it. It's the official names they have that really grind my gears. Or rather the comparision from one sex to another. Those of who have studied poetry know very well that certain letters and sound can have a great impact on words. Words that use "L"s and "S"s make softer more appealing sounds than words with "G"s or "C"s for example. Well such trickery has been used on our genital organs it would seem. Consider the word Penis. Say it out loud, let your tongue linger about every letter. Doesn't it sound friendly? Don't you just feel like cuddling and loving it? Doesn't it sound harmless? Now say Vagina. Doesn't it sound ominous and frightening? It sends shivers up my spine just to say it and I'm a card carrying vagina explorer. It's not just those two either. Consider Fellatio. Doesn't it sound delicious? " Tony, I make-a you da Fellacio. Extra sauce-a for Tony, Maria!" But when you hear Cunnilingus, it just sounds like a fungus. Clitoris sounds like an affliction " Oh geezus, I don't know what happened last night. I must have gotten a bad case of Clitoris". Then you have Scrotum for men which sounds like something you'd dip in a soup. So you guys are all delicious, huh? Everything us girls have sounds like a disease. Uvula, Ovaries, fallopian tubes...pfft... It's time for another revolution ladies. We should show the world that our sex organs are just as delicious as men's and find more suitable names for our tickle trunks! Who's with me, huh? Huh? oh....Just me then? Okay. Fine.
'Scrotum' should only be legally said by those with very rough Scotch accents, for maximum objectionable effect.
You can never have enough words for the female genetalia.
In a novel I wrote where people are bio-mechanical, males have 'wires' and females 'bulbs'. This way around I think the male term is the less pleasant-sounding, but then again its quite a feminist book