And the financial problems begin. 
- I still owe my dad $2950 for my truck.
- NAMM is in a couple of weeks so that'll come out to around $400 when it's over.
- I have to go pick up a bass from Neal which is gonna cost $675 + $25 NAMM badge + $? bass tuners = $750+
- I have to pay $200 for re-registering my truck.
- My credit card bill came so that's like $500, majority of it is gas.
- Then my name came up so I can get a custom bass and the deposit is like $2500.
So yeah, I'm kinda screwed and my only solution besides selling a couple of basses is to work from 7am to whenever I finish everything.
Good bye whatever social life I had.

- I still owe my dad $2950 for my truck.
- NAMM is in a couple of weeks so that'll come out to around $400 when it's over.
- I have to go pick up a bass from Neal which is gonna cost $675 + $25 NAMM badge + $? bass tuners = $750+
- I have to pay $200 for re-registering my truck.
- My credit card bill came so that's like $500, majority of it is gas.
- Then my name came up so I can get a custom bass and the deposit is like $2500.
So yeah, I'm kinda screwed and my only solution besides selling a couple of basses is to work from 7am to whenever I finish everything.
Good bye whatever social life I had.

Aw, no! You'll be fine, don't sweat it I'm glad you got the chance to party it up this weekend! This was my weekend to finally catch up on things. I can't believe last week at this time I was still in Seattle, it seems like foreverago...Is that a bad thing?
Pinks huh? I'm gonna put that on the list. I'm think a simple L.A. somewhere, but I'm going to think on it. I have time. I plan on being broke for sometime