So, I know that I'm new to this community, therefore I need to give you a little bit of background for you to fully understand how dramatic this choice is for me.
I've consumed, at least 1 24 oz Rockstar for the past 8 years of my life. There have been times where I've had more than one, or a 24 oz and a 16 oz, so for the days where I was sick, or only had a 16 oz it evens out.
That's 2920 cans.
Works out to 547.5 gallons of Rockstar.
Which would fill 35.3 kegs.
Also if we assume that I paid no sales tax, and bought all of them from the same place where they were $2.50 each, that's $7,300 of Rockstar.
And by the way, I don't drink coffee. Rockstar's have been my caffeine source of choice for the past 8 years of my life.
However I feel like with the direction that I want to go in my life, and my internal push to live a healthier happier lifestyle, it's best for me to cut it out while I can.