Hi Ya After being screamed at by Oxy for an update, here goes, first of all my hours have been slashed at work so having decided that the job isn't worth what I'm getting anyhow, I thought I'd look for a new job, however having the same problem as everyone else of not having enough opportunities out there, I saw an advertisement at my local...
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Thanks Oxy Unfortunatly I didn't get it but never mind I scored bonus points on the shop challenge and it was only a ten hour contract so I'm not too disappointed
Sucks to hear about the Ann Summers job. I'm sure you would have been very good at it.
Grrrr Decisions, decisions
One of my mates came into the shop today to show me her new tattoo, which immediately made me want the one that I was hoping to get before Christmas again but I've just been reading some of the stories in Filthy Dirty Smutty Storytime and that's made me want more toys
not to mention that I'm on holiday in four weeks...
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One of my mates came into the shop today to show me her new tattoo, which immediately made me want the one that I was hoping to get before Christmas again but I've just been reading some of the stories in Filthy Dirty Smutty Storytime and that's made me want more toys

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Hey sexy. Havent heard from you in awhile so i thought id say hello

Yea My new toys arrived from the US over the last week, can't wait to try them out and have a good play.
Just re-read Oxy's Profile and can't believe it, I was in Oxford at my volunteer job's HQ for a training course a couple of years ago
All of a sudden hoping that they send me on another one up there some...
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Just re-read Oxy's Profile and can't believe it, I was in Oxford at my volunteer job's HQ for a training course a couple of years ago

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wooo hoo for new toys
and yeah, ive been in Oxford for years. Maybe you might get sent there again

and yeah, ive been in Oxford for years. Maybe you might get sent there again
Gonna try and update this more often now I have my own computer again. Looking to get some fetish/Bondage epquipment now and have found a great site for it, the only downside is that as it's a US site, there are somethings that I desperatly want but that they don't ship to out of the country, which is a shame and there are yet others...
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Nice selection of stuff there.
actually, it was me that blacked out, not the electricity.
I have a medical thing that it happens sometimes.
I have a medical thing that it happens sometimes.
A rant today I'm afraid. Hating work, one twat after working there twenty years has now decided that doing the same thing day in and day out is boring and monotamous and hates it, then has also decided that having taken no interest whatsoever in the deliveries of veg other than what he brings back from Bristol market for us he's now decided that no...
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Just been listening to some old Suicide Girls podcasts & realised that aside from the Tattoo Convention at Newton Abbot Racecourse. I have zero plans for Halloween, I can't go to Totnes unless I have a place to crash as the final train goes at 9:30pm back to Newton Abbot and who wants to go home at that time of night, I want to be...
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Can't believe the people at the ipcmedia group, their write-up in this weeks WOTV about Oedipus Hex is completely wrong and inaccurate. They say that the character in the episode who is a member of the Suicide Girls was the "teenage member of a suicide pact." Have any of them actually seen that episode

Can't believe it, bought a new laptop yesterday and the ad for the London Tattoo Convention has just reminded me of the Newton Abbot one that has been at the racecourse for the past two years on Halloween weekend, can't wait as I haven't been able to go either year.

Hi Guys
Sorry I'm not on here as much as I want to be recently, My computer's power pack blew up back in June & I haven't got round to replacing either the pack or my computer yet, so I'm stuck with a free half an hour on the library computer each day.
Sorry I'm not on here as much as I want to be recently, My computer's power pack blew up back in June & I haven't got round to replacing either the pack or my computer yet, so I'm stuck with a free half an hour on the library computer each day.