Application for girlfriendship
Erik's Girlfriend Application
-You must be female.
-You must be at least 18 and not more than 24 years of age.
-You must not have a terminal illness.
-English speaking is not a must.
-You must not have an STD.
-You must be single.
-You must have completed high school or have a GED.
Choose the most appropriate answer.
Your name:
Email address:
How many guys have you had sex with?
If we go on a date what will we do? (first and as the major theme of the date)
How do you argue?
What is your height?
How much do you weigh?
Should my friends see me out with you what would they say?
Do you have self esteem issues?
Have you ever cheated on anyone for any reason?
Do you ever refer to someone as an asshole or bitch when they only act like an asshole or bitch after you've fucked him/her over, and thus deserve it?
Is or would you ever consider cutting your hair short?
What will we drink on our date?
Would you get pissed off or hurt because I don't spend every free second I have with you or talk to you when I have other things I like to do, and you can't name a single thing you could possibly want to do and nothing really to say, and I've spent nearly all my free time with you already?
Do you like to cuddle?
Does fun have to involve alcohol?
Are you a long term or short term girlfriend who bails at the first little bit of trouble?
What will we do after our date?
Do you smoke?
Dating money:
Erik's Girlfriend Application
-You must be female.
-You must be at least 18 and not more than 24 years of age.
-You must not have a terminal illness.
-English speaking is not a must.
-You must not have an STD.
-You must be single.
-You must have completed high school or have a GED.
Choose the most appropriate answer.
Your name:
Email address:
How many guys have you had sex with?
If we go on a date what will we do? (first and as the major theme of the date)
How do you argue?
What is your height?
How much do you weigh?
Should my friends see me out with you what would they say?
Do you have self esteem issues?
Have you ever cheated on anyone for any reason?
Do you ever refer to someone as an asshole or bitch when they only act like an asshole or bitch after you've fucked him/her over, and thus deserve it?
Is or would you ever consider cutting your hair short?
What will we drink on our date?
Would you get pissed off or hurt because I don't spend every free second I have with you or talk to you when I have other things I like to do, and you can't name a single thing you could possibly want to do and nothing really to say, and I've spent nearly all my free time with you already?
Do you like to cuddle?
Does fun have to involve alcohol?
Are you a long term or short term girlfriend who bails at the first little bit of trouble?
What will we do after our date?
Do you smoke?
Dating money: