Argh. Mom has been in the hospital since Wednesday night with ABD pain. It's been an on going problem for about 2 weeks and the original thought was a kidney infection. Then it was Hep A. Now they aren't sure. I'm hoping it's an ulcer or something. I'm resisting the urge to look stuff up. I know too much about the topic it as it is and it makes me worry when I think too much. Worst fear is cancer. No real idea what it is yet just what it isn't. Scope tomorrow am. Hope they figure it out soon. Probably will be something really lame. Indigestion right?
Been working all week. I only got to go visit last night and I'd much rather be visiting or at home at this point. Just have to make it to Sunday AM.
Been working all week. I only got to go visit last night and I'd much rather be visiting or at home at this point. Just have to make it to Sunday AM.
Hope it's just something lame, like my long lost car keys. 

Well thank goodness it isn't hep A right? I just hope this is all resolved soon for everyone. I know what it's like to be sick and have no idea what it is. It is incredibly frustrating, and that doesn't help it get better.