Today I realized how much your own life experiences affect your patient care. I had a guy my age having anxiety and stress and it was increasing his heart rate and blood pressure. Talking with him and giving him my recent experience help to lessen his anxiety and give him an Idea of how to cope and where to start getting things back on track. I just transported a 450 pound woman to the ER for bedsores. Having my own grandmother deal with the same problems due to morbid obesity gave me a chance to talk to the Patient on a level that not many others could. It wasn't a conversation of shaming her or disgust. I didn't overreact to the smell of the sores. I gave her encouragement. She's not a piece of meat, she's someone that needs help. If I can't fix your problem i can at least make you feel like someone cares for you.
That being said, my back is sore and I'm ready to go home tomorrow
Hope everyone had a good weekend.
* and Again another great read
Playing well with others
That being said, my back is sore and I'm ready to go home tomorrow

Hope everyone had a good weekend.
* and Again another great read
Playing well with others
dang you are a good fella. i'm so pleased to know you on here..and if i came to it, real life. thanks for being a good'n