One week until the wedding. Got almost everything together. It will be nice to see the family and enjoy everyone's company. It also will be nice to have some stress taken off the plate
. still got a reception and some house hunting to do, but that will come with time.
Seems like my meds have been working. The anxiety isn't as bad as it was before. I'm still way hotter and sweaty than I was before the meds. The heat wave we had didn't help though.
I'm starting my last shift before the wedding today. 10 days off after Monday at 8am. Got shit to do but I will be happy to be home. I really have hard times leaving home in the morning. Thing things I love most are gone fore 48 hours and it sucks. I told Mavenist that she either needs to be meaner and more unlikable or ugly. It would help me want to leave. But she said It's just not going to happen.
Had my Birthday lunch with my folks and friends yesterday. It was very cool.
Wish me luck this weekend. Mentally I'm already on a vacation, now I'm just waiting for the hours to tick off the clock.
interesting read of the day:
I Can Be Just As Capable. Let Me.

Seems like my meds have been working. The anxiety isn't as bad as it was before. I'm still way hotter and sweaty than I was before the meds. The heat wave we had didn't help though.
I'm starting my last shift before the wedding today. 10 days off after Monday at 8am. Got shit to do but I will be happy to be home. I really have hard times leaving home in the morning. Thing things I love most are gone fore 48 hours and it sucks. I told Mavenist that she either needs to be meaner and more unlikable or ugly. It would help me want to leave. But she said It's just not going to happen.

Had my Birthday lunch with my folks and friends yesterday. It was very cool.
Wish me luck this weekend. Mentally I'm already on a vacation, now I'm just waiting for the hours to tick off the clock.
interesting read of the day:
I Can Be Just As Capable. Let Me.
My boss told me just to bring them in and people will take turns watching them on their 15 minute breaks LOL! I trust we will figure it out though by the time the Newbie gets here. Everything works out eventually. I would love to be a stay at home Mom again....the only problem is, I'll completely burn my bridge with my job and I hate doing that. It goes against the way I was raised. But my babies come first.