Sunday Feb 12, 2012 Feb 12, 2012 0 Facebook Tweet Email getting....old....can' still...have ....cough....from...flu.....lungs....burning.... VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS bigjimslade: only run when chased. that's your first problem. the age thing just means you alter your activities to something more age appropriate... like anything you can do at a leisurely pace with a drink in hand (which really creates a win-win situation and demonstrates how wise you are in your old age). Feb 12, 2012 wugglyump: take care of yourself dang it! Feb 13, 2012
the age thing just means you alter your activities to something more age appropriate... like anything you can do at a leisurely pace with a drink in hand (which really creates a win-win situation and demonstrates how wise you are in your old age).