I got 10 days off coming up. I need it. My brain is getting alittle fried right now. I can really explain it. Sometimes I burn out alittle here at work and I need a reset. Lots of change here with a new chief. Should be interesting.
I want a good Burrito when I get home. Maybe a cupcake.
It's freezing ass cold up here right now...I don't remember such a dry winter here in CA. reminds me of Watchmen.
"It rains on the just and unjust alike... Except in California."
I got some comics to read and get back into. I really need to read Y: The Last Man again. I love that story.
Saints Row The Third is ridiculous. It's such a enjoyable game.
I weighed myself the other day and I'm still at 245. that's real good after all the sweets I ate over the holidays. I'd still like to get to 230. Rikki say's that it shows, I feel like I'm still the same size, but maybe I should look at last years winter photos and see if I see a difference. Its nice to feel lighter, but I think I can get alittle better cardio. I'd like to be back to where I was when I played Basketball out in the driveway at my folks house. I miss having a nice area to do that.
I really love coming home. It is nice to come home and feel like you were missed and that you make people happy. I realize this is super mushy. Sorry bout that.
To finish the thought...I am fortunate to have Rikki at home.
We got some really nice kitchen ware for Christmas. I'm still trying to talk Rikki into making brownies...It's similar to a hostage negotiation at this point...but i think i'm making progress.
I get my holiday pay on the 15th. I'll be paying off the majority of debt on another credit card. that makes me happy. I'm ready to have more money in my pocket.
Speaking of money...why can't we agree on how to fix our healthcare system? If I had some representatives in my ambulance for a shift they would figure it out. Sorry work is bugging me tonight. I better quit before i get into a rant.
You're doing so great. But again - the differences in men and womens bodies. You stay on track and I've gained 5lbs back!
Anyhow - I can't wait for us both to be home. We both need a little bit of time off.