My Mother once had an a moment of pure amazement. She got glasses when she was a young girl and looked at the trees off in the distance. "Wow, I can see the leafs". Individual leafs, not just a green blob on a big brown stick.
I had the same moment a few nights ago. I was out getting the laundry and I was wearing my glasses. I looked up and the stars were so bright and pin point, it was beautiful. I have never seen them so clear, they were always fuzzy. It made my night.
Maybe I'll leave my glasses on during sex and see what I notice .
I had the same moment a few nights ago. I was out getting the laundry and I was wearing my glasses. I looked up and the stars were so bright and pin point, it was beautiful. I have never seen them so clear, they were always fuzzy. It made my night.
Maybe I'll leave my glasses on during sex and see what I notice .
You mean she's been blurry this whole time?
Whatever. Furry people need love too!