I got my new laptop...it is kick ass,
Playstation network is a total cock tease for announcing there were releasing Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy III (6) for PSN...then saying opps j/k j/k....bastards
sometimes yah have to call in sick and take care of home stuff. I got 365.4 hours of sick time, so it don't hurt nothing one bit
Awesomeness of the day goes to: My Car, The CD player unjammed it's self today. Been jammed for a year i think....now I'm the one jamming
hmmm....home tomorrow for a day, then back for two. I'll be happy when Tuesday's here.
Playstation network is a total cock tease for announcing there were releasing Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy III (6) for PSN...then saying opps j/k j/k....bastards
sometimes yah have to call in sick and take care of home stuff. I got 365.4 hours of sick time, so it don't hurt nothing one bit

Awesomeness of the day goes to: My Car, The CD player unjammed it's self today. Been jammed for a year i think....now I'm the one jamming

hmmm....home tomorrow for a day, then back for two. I'll be happy when Tuesday's here.
I told you that someday your jedi mind tricks would work.
tell me about your new laptop please. i want one in the worst way but haven't figured out what is good...and what seems like a good price for one...or whom to hustle to get one.
i'm joking about the hustling part!!!!
hope you're well thug!