Back at work for another shift. 38 hours till freedom.
I feel better. took me a few days of rest at home to get back to normal. Rikki took good care of me.
Been working my way through DMZ and I am glad I started reading the series. Need to get a couple more books knocked out. then order more.
I have 8 days off starting sunday. Going back to my old shift. Got to try to get my buddy through his probation. its been rough for him so far. I'll stick him to my hip and do my best to keep him free of the easily avoidable mishaps.
I'm really happy with Rikki's new car. It takes a bit of stress away knowing that her car is reliable. Having CHP call me that one night when her car broke down was enough for me. Everything was ok, but your first thoughts are not ok thoughts.
i think that is all i got for now.
I feel better. took me a few days of rest at home to get back to normal. Rikki took good care of me.
Been working my way through DMZ and I am glad I started reading the series. Need to get a couple more books knocked out. then order more.
I have 8 days off starting sunday. Going back to my old shift. Got to try to get my buddy through his probation. its been rough for him so far. I'll stick him to my hip and do my best to keep him free of the easily avoidable mishaps.
I'm really happy with Rikki's new car. It takes a bit of stress away knowing that her car is reliable. Having CHP call me that one night when her car broke down was enough for me. Everything was ok, but your first thoughts are not ok thoughts.
i think that is all i got for now.
Thanks, will do 

Hey we miss your faces like you wouldn't believe. The four of us need to get together soon. Maybe go out for karaoke and drinks? Or just to dinner? Or a good old fashioned rock band night? Something! Let us know when/what works for you guys!