That just Happened!
...and thanks to all who took photos...cause I have taken them.
In other news, I spent 3 hours in jury duty and didn't get picked. I did more ER time Monday...and I'll do 10 more tomorrow. Class coming up Friday and Saturday.....which reminds me I need to study tonight....drats.
Should I make the trip to Sac to say hello after the BBQ?.....if I get my tax monies we will see.
Went to a show that was Dj'd by Paix up in Chico, very good times. Boobs and good bands .
So you think you can dance is an interesting program
I think i need more beer...and I should get out for abit...But I really don't want to go anywhere. I think I just miss being social right now. Damn you GTA4 Fooling me with your fake friends, fake little tart girlfriends, fake internets, and fake strippers.....I blame you have taken my life from me and I had nothing to do with it. You just jumped up into my xbox and turned yourself on...then placed the controller into my hands. Someone should sue you...
what else? eh. Being up here makes me depressed. I'm off to go look at more boobs....
The other day in the ER a little old lady told me she liked my haircut. That was nice.
The more pretty girls I see and talk with the more I wonder why I'm even bothering at this point. I've got atleast a year and a half before I can really have a relationship. This is just me being bitchy and complaining alot so I'm sure everyone will get over it, rub some dirt on it, and walk it off. I just hate being depressed up here at the Lake, it makes me twice as lonely and distracts me from what I really need to be concentrating on.
Fuck, I don't go back to work till the 12th.....that will be like a 20 day break. I'm not going to know how to do my job when I get back.
I want to cheer up.
This is the prom post.
Also, there has been a decided Wolverines-to-Raiders avenue over the past 10+ years. Hell, even Fargas was a Wolverine for a spell.