Touched blood and tears. Carried the little ones to safety. Held mother in arms as she wept. Seen the gray matter laid out across the asphalt. People stopped screaming to say they could see into the soul.
Fingers have been clinched tight around the throats of friends, enemies, and lovers. Sneak around to get what is needed and any cost. Risk everything. It leaves without notice. Just a ghost. Cries rip hearts into nothingness.
Regret is a nightmare. Ignorance is bliss. Responsibility is a black hole in the chest. Pain is earning. Understanding to a fault.
Life could be over in a matter of years, or it could be just delayed. Passion will be lost. Zero direction. Isolation. Time to get right. Take the chalk out of the mouth, put in something real. Scrape off the remaining skin. Get right. Rest. Focus. The end is not here. Find the one, place it into the chest. Protect, do no harm. See the truths. Keep pressure applied to the mind.
Some poor little kid died today and they guys did what they could but it just wasn't meant to be.....I'm glad it wasn't are call....Who would take a child that is only one year old? What good does that do to a family? That's not meant to be, its just fucked up.
An old mans garage catches fire with his car that he had been restoring for years and I can't get a god damn door open. Fuck no one else seen it either....I could see the heart break in the old mans face.
Little old man that mumbles can't really breathe all that well...he's sick, not dying...can't understand a word he says....he laughs and I hope I understand the words right to make an appropriate reply....I want to give him a noogie and smile at him.
When the hell did I become the PR guy for this department? Why am I the only one that doesn't mind talking to people? Tell me I don't look right and make me cover up, then let me be the guy that smooths over your bullshit attitudes. Your welcome, and blow me.
Test tomorrow, Can I keep my brain on track to read a whole question? I hope so.
take that kiddos
Fingers have been clinched tight around the throats of friends, enemies, and lovers. Sneak around to get what is needed and any cost. Risk everything. It leaves without notice. Just a ghost. Cries rip hearts into nothingness.
Regret is a nightmare. Ignorance is bliss. Responsibility is a black hole in the chest. Pain is earning. Understanding to a fault.
Life could be over in a matter of years, or it could be just delayed. Passion will be lost. Zero direction. Isolation. Time to get right. Take the chalk out of the mouth, put in something real. Scrape off the remaining skin. Get right. Rest. Focus. The end is not here. Find the one, place it into the chest. Protect, do no harm. See the truths. Keep pressure applied to the mind.
Some poor little kid died today and they guys did what they could but it just wasn't meant to be.....I'm glad it wasn't are call....Who would take a child that is only one year old? What good does that do to a family? That's not meant to be, its just fucked up.
An old mans garage catches fire with his car that he had been restoring for years and I can't get a god damn door open. Fuck no one else seen it either....I could see the heart break in the old mans face.
Little old man that mumbles can't really breathe all that well...he's sick, not dying...can't understand a word he says....he laughs and I hope I understand the words right to make an appropriate reply....I want to give him a noogie and smile at him.
When the hell did I become the PR guy for this department? Why am I the only one that doesn't mind talking to people? Tell me I don't look right and make me cover up, then let me be the guy that smooths over your bullshit attitudes. Your welcome, and blow me.
Test tomorrow, Can I keep my brain on track to read a whole question? I hope so.
take that kiddos
"Why did you tell JD our baby's Blaxican?"