drift smoke everywhere up here
sent one crew to Santa Clara yesterday...I guess....I was off
So ummm yah...I need to make more friends in Petaluma. And I need to Work alittle part-time down there for play money.
I'm not very good at being a dude
Only 70miles from work now...I like my new commute.
Petaluma is fun.
I want to scalp someone in a bar fight .... what?...nooooo.......
Hey can any of you give me some dating tips? like reading signals?
Fark I'm lost right now.
How are you not good at being a dude?
No man is good at reading signals. Sometimes you just guess and get lucky. Just don't get crushed if you think someone's into you and isn't. Otherwise you just got to go with your gut man.
There's a chemical element to attraction. When someone turns you on, you send out pheromones that may turn them on. If you think someone's into you, just go for it.
i knew we were missing something!