well what a week.
my sister came down .. we went to the movies.. made some wicked wuns THAT ARE AWESOME!... did lotsa sisterly type things.
then my mom made me go to the trailer this weekend because she needed help fixing the place up a little bit..
so .. of course i wasn't online to see dallas' set go live. so i commented 2 times
and will go back and comment again if she says so
i am comming down to toronto on wednesday i believe .. perhaps thursday so i have a bit more cash and will be staying untill monday probably. so that means i have time to hang out with people ..so lets make some plans
other then that i have about 4732652765 misquito bites and a sunburn .. even tho i put strong sunscreen on like every half hour
mr.golden sun.
i HATE you.
well what a week.
my sister came down .. we went to the movies.. made some wicked wuns THAT ARE AWESOME!... did lotsa sisterly type things.
then my mom made me go to the trailer this weekend because she needed help fixing the place up a little bit..
so .. of course i wasn't online to see dallas' set go live. so i commented 2 times

i am comming down to toronto on wednesday i believe .. perhaps thursday so i have a bit more cash and will be staying untill monday probably. so that means i have time to hang out with people ..so lets make some plans

other then that i have about 4732652765 misquito bites and a sunburn .. even tho i put strong sunscreen on like every half hour
mr.golden sun.
i HATE you.
and my ankles sympathise with you and your bites - damn 'squitos