yesterday i went to the circus
it was pretty kick ass. and the clown made fun of my boyfriend
that made me laugh a lot.
tonight my little sister amber is comming over for a few days / maybe a week. because shes cool and i loooveee her
its gonna be good to see her ..i havn't seen her since we saw RENT and i miss her a lot .
so i am very much looking forward to this week.
she wants to see Pirates 2.. which works out in my case so i get to see the sexy pirate action again..

it was pretty kick ass. and the clown made fun of my boyfriend

tonight my little sister amber is comming over for a few days / maybe a week. because shes cool and i loooveee her
its gonna be good to see her ..i havn't seen her since we saw RENT and i miss her a lot .
so i am very much looking forward to this week.
she wants to see Pirates 2.. which works out in my case so i get to see the sexy pirate action again..

My sisters went to the Circus today
come hang out soon.
i need some coral fixing!