well the cottage camping trip wasn't that fun.
it rained most of the weekend.. and my friends boyfriend called me ( and my boyfriend) fat all the time and told me i had saggy boobs
i wanted to punch him out. thats ok.. i got secret revenge on him
i am covered in misquito bites. and i have one on my finger i think its infected. its all swollen and nasty.
and it hurts when i poke it .
last night i rented the entire batman series and watched them all.
so that made me happy
i hadn't actually sat down and watched them all in one go before..
i think my faveorite is batman because the joker rox my sox. i giggled and rewound the part where he" improves the paintings"like 4 or 5 times
i really liked batman begins ( i had never saw it untill last night) but the first half of the movie was kinda draged out and there was too much * oh im a ninja smoking crazy flowers bla bla bla * and not enough awesome scarecrow action.
and uma therman should never have been cast as ivy.
i have also decided on my halloween costume for this year. it is going to be super awesome,. i just need to find a costume party to go to . lol.
i need some new fucking pants. BADLY
i think that we might go to wonderland or somthing this weekend.. rick wants to buy a new computer ( YAY! )
and i desperately need to dye my hair.
that is all i can think of for now.
ta ta
it rained most of the weekend.. and my friends boyfriend called me ( and my boyfriend) fat all the time and told me i had saggy boobs
i am covered in misquito bites. and i have one on my finger i think its infected. its all swollen and nasty.
last night i rented the entire batman series and watched them all.
so that made me happy
i think my faveorite is batman because the joker rox my sox. i giggled and rewound the part where he" improves the paintings"like 4 or 5 times
i really liked batman begins ( i had never saw it untill last night) but the first half of the movie was kinda draged out and there was too much * oh im a ninja smoking crazy flowers bla bla bla * and not enough awesome scarecrow action.
and uma therman should never have been cast as ivy.
i have also decided on my halloween costume for this year. it is going to be super awesome,. i just need to find a costume party to go to . lol.
i need some new fucking pants. BADLY
i think that we might go to wonderland or somthing this weekend.. rick wants to buy a new computer ( YAY! )
and i desperately need to dye my hair.
that is all i can think of for now.
ta ta
I hope your secret revenge includes Bengay and a pair of his underwear.