Tonight I went and saw a "friend" we've been seeing and by seeing I mean sleeping with, each other for a couple months now. I don't see anything happening with him...he's kind of an ass. Anyway, on the way to his place he asked where all my stuff was. I didn't think he wanted me to spend the night, So we stopped off at the store to buy contact stuff for me. After a little while, I realized I really wasn't up for spending the night, and asked if he would be ok with taking me home. He was. On the way home he asked me if I forgot the contact stuff. Then he said it was ok, I just have it there for next time. And once I got home, I realized that my contact solution is like a toothbrush. This is where everything changes, we start meeting each others families, we talk about the future. Only I don't want a future with him! He is not the guy I will end up with, I hardly like him! do I get myself out of this one without breaking any hearts?
I have to quit my job, it's getting way to stupid. A customer yelled at me today..and I yelled back. I was so ready to slap a bitch, good thing I had a full restaurant watching me. When she asked to speak with the manager, I told her I would gladly get him for her. I went back there and I had two other servers following me, backing me up. He went out there, listened to her for a few seconds, laughed at her and walked away. I loved him for it.
I have to quit my job, it's getting way to stupid. A customer yelled at me today..and I yelled back. I was so ready to slap a bitch, good thing I had a full restaurant watching me. When she asked to speak with the manager, I told her I would gladly get him for her. I went back there and I had two other servers following me, backing me up. He went out there, listened to her for a few seconds, laughed at her and walked away. I loved him for it.
I give your boss some props thats cool as hell, sorry I havnt gotten an e-mail to ya yet, but, REAL busy last couple of days....