Taken from Skye and Kaikai's blog respectively because mine are always about self imposed doom & gloom: Answer the questions then create your own 1 question and repost with your own answers.
1.) What do you think about before you fall asleep at night?
Usually its 'I hope I get to sleep tonight without delay' as is often not the case.
2.) If you won a weekend destination anywhere world wide this weekend, where would you go?
Amsterdam, its an hour flight, its a doable weekend. I'd pick somewhere better if we had a matter transporter.
3.) Biggest Turn on?
Red Hair
4.) Top 5 Artists on iTunes?
Eeep don't use it (boring answer, sorry)
5.) What is your biggest "What if?"
What if I had stayed out in Lloyds bar 7 years ago instead of leaving with my friends.
6.) Favorite thing to cook?
Chicken soup, its one of the few things I've made but I make it really well.
7.) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 26, give me line 7.
"and reaffirm the values he disregarded, including the value of the victim"
8.) Do you have more female friends or male friends?
50/50 my best friend is male, my other friend at work is female. everyone else I know in person are just sort of associates.
9.) What's something you tried as an adult that you loved as a child and were sorely disappointed?
Campbells meatballs, Episodes of thundercats, the Ninja Turtles movies and Drawing (but mosrtly because of how awful I've gotten)
10.) Who was the last person you held hands with?
held.... hands?
11.) Would you rather live without TV or Music?
12.) what are you currently addicted to?
Oreos, sainsbury's wheat cereal with little bit of apricot in them, Farley's Rusks with Natural Yogurt. The Last of Us
13.) What's your ultimate deal breaker?
I dunno, if I get ignored I feel abandoned but is that an unrealistic expectation? oh lets just say ass to mouf
14.) Last movie you saw in theaters?
The Man of Steel, I liked it, did not love it, but I hope the stuff I didn't love will be a repercussion thing in the sequel.
15.) Do you collect anything?
I'm not really collecting them, I;'ve just amassed a large quantity of (in)action figures over the years, some boxed, some unboxed.
16.) Favorite flavor of ice cream?
Toffee Fudge, typically only found at parlours so I guess I relish the opportunity when it arises. I've not had it for over a decade.
17.) Your biggest pet peeve?
Chavs and Freshies, the asian, meaning pakistani or indian (not chinese) equivalent of a chav.
18.) What bands you've seen live?
Johnny Foreigner, Elbow and Shonen Knife.
19.) Describe your ideal "type"?
My ideal type would be what I'd consider unobtainable and thus, not very ideal at all.
21.) What language would you most like to learn?
Japanese, but I learned years ago how complex it might be combining words like "Sexy" and "lovely" = "raccoon" (not an actual valid example, but you get the idea).... yeah I never really tried.
22) Favourite Suicide Girl?
23) Name one embarrassing incident that's happened to you? I was waiting casually at a bus shelter that someone had kindly vandalised and broke all the glass from one of the panels, I was unaware of this fact until I tried to lean backwards against said panel, now these shelters have a little panel of metal along the bottom about 2 or so feet in height that the back of my knees decided to latch onto giving me enough momentum to land on my head.... in front of about two other people. Needless to say I ended up walking/limping to town to catch another bus aware from my spectators.
1.) What do you think about before you fall asleep at night?
Usually its 'I hope I get to sleep tonight without delay' as is often not the case.
2.) If you won a weekend destination anywhere world wide this weekend, where would you go?
Amsterdam, its an hour flight, its a doable weekend. I'd pick somewhere better if we had a matter transporter.
3.) Biggest Turn on?
Red Hair
4.) Top 5 Artists on iTunes?
Eeep don't use it (boring answer, sorry)
5.) What is your biggest "What if?"
What if I had stayed out in Lloyds bar 7 years ago instead of leaving with my friends.
6.) Favorite thing to cook?
Chicken soup, its one of the few things I've made but I make it really well.
7.) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 26, give me line 7.
"and reaffirm the values he disregarded, including the value of the victim"
8.) Do you have more female friends or male friends?
50/50 my best friend is male, my other friend at work is female. everyone else I know in person are just sort of associates.
9.) What's something you tried as an adult that you loved as a child and were sorely disappointed?
Campbells meatballs, Episodes of thundercats, the Ninja Turtles movies and Drawing (but mosrtly because of how awful I've gotten)
10.) Who was the last person you held hands with?
held.... hands?
11.) Would you rather live without TV or Music?
12.) what are you currently addicted to?
Oreos, sainsbury's wheat cereal with little bit of apricot in them, Farley's Rusks with Natural Yogurt. The Last of Us
13.) What's your ultimate deal breaker?
I dunno, if I get ignored I feel abandoned but is that an unrealistic expectation? oh lets just say ass to mouf
14.) Last movie you saw in theaters?
The Man of Steel, I liked it, did not love it, but I hope the stuff I didn't love will be a repercussion thing in the sequel.
15.) Do you collect anything?
I'm not really collecting them, I;'ve just amassed a large quantity of (in)action figures over the years, some boxed, some unboxed.
16.) Favorite flavor of ice cream?
Toffee Fudge, typically only found at parlours so I guess I relish the opportunity when it arises. I've not had it for over a decade.
17.) Your biggest pet peeve?
Chavs and Freshies, the asian, meaning pakistani or indian (not chinese) equivalent of a chav.
18.) What bands you've seen live?
Johnny Foreigner, Elbow and Shonen Knife.
19.) Describe your ideal "type"?
My ideal type would be what I'd consider unobtainable and thus, not very ideal at all.
21.) What language would you most like to learn?
Japanese, but I learned years ago how complex it might be combining words like "Sexy" and "lovely" = "raccoon" (not an actual valid example, but you get the idea).... yeah I never really tried.
22) Favourite Suicide Girl?
23) Name one embarrassing incident that's happened to you? I was waiting casually at a bus shelter that someone had kindly vandalised and broke all the glass from one of the panels, I was unaware of this fact until I tried to lean backwards against said panel, now these shelters have a little panel of metal along the bottom about 2 or so feet in height that the back of my knees decided to latch onto giving me enough momentum to land on my head.... in front of about two other people. Needless to say I ended up walking/limping to town to catch another bus aware from my spectators.
Yay! you did one too! nice new question!!!