What a fuckingCockshitcuntbagmothelickingToeJamOutHerscrawnyasscrackballsack day this has been.
That is all...
Except it's not, I spent most of my morning at work feeling like a prize asshole, yes I'm thick, yes I'm stupid, you can take over from because I've only been training for a week and can't remember what codes I need to specify what conditions i'm returning this unapplied payment. so what the fuck do I know about anything, feel free to take over I'll just go fuck myself in the mouf like Derpy McDickface!
I'm just a thick, uneducated, unacademic, unclever, un.....well everything!
Shallow end of the gene pool, I feel like i was 300 miles off target of said pool and dropped in the fucking Mojave desert!
So I feel like shit, and I got people hating my guts, an I think even my work friends hate my guts so double fucking whammy. And now for something completely appropriate and pointless.
And then whatever disgruntled shit people had against me in the morning turned out this one thing was not my fault but I spend all day feeling like crap.
I sort of picked up a little bit after work, I went to the Chinese Supermarket, let me elaborate I used to go to this one place and they had noodles and frozen tofu and all other stuff, and then late last year they c losed their store, I haven't had Ramen since October.... and I heard about this other place which is about 5 mins away, its always been there and I never knew about it, so I went in, BEAMING scoping the shelves, this was also like my 3rd attempt at finding the place so I was kinda please as punch about that. So I have a bag full of noodles and soy protein drinks, and chrysanthem tea and I'm ready to get my Ram-ON for the first time in forever.
But I tried to take a shortcut, and i'd have been better of f just backtracking, I got lost, very lost... in an area I've lived in for the last 30 years, ended up walking to a bus stop and waiting for a bus.... on the wrong path, I needed the out of the city bus route, so I spent 20 mins walking out of the city, only to catch a bus back into it. Told you I was a fucking brainless bastard!
And I've just been uptight since I came on chat. Think I might avoid this place for a few days, it always has a way of making me feel bad about myself when I'm already scraping the barrel for redemption.
That is all...
Except it's not, I spent most of my morning at work feeling like a prize asshole, yes I'm thick, yes I'm stupid, you can take over from because I've only been training for a week and can't remember what codes I need to specify what conditions i'm returning this unapplied payment. so what the fuck do I know about anything, feel free to take over I'll just go fuck myself in the mouf like Derpy McDickface!
I'm just a thick, uneducated, unacademic, unclever, un.....well everything!
Shallow end of the gene pool, I feel like i was 300 miles off target of said pool and dropped in the fucking Mojave desert!
So I feel like shit, and I got people hating my guts, an I think even my work friends hate my guts so double fucking whammy. And now for something completely appropriate and pointless.
And then whatever disgruntled shit people had against me in the morning turned out this one thing was not my fault but I spend all day feeling like crap.
I sort of picked up a little bit after work, I went to the Chinese Supermarket, let me elaborate I used to go to this one place and they had noodles and frozen tofu and all other stuff, and then late last year they c losed their store, I haven't had Ramen since October.... and I heard about this other place which is about 5 mins away, its always been there and I never knew about it, so I went in, BEAMING scoping the shelves, this was also like my 3rd attempt at finding the place so I was kinda please as punch about that. So I have a bag full of noodles and soy protein drinks, and chrysanthem tea and I'm ready to get my Ram-ON for the first time in forever.
But I tried to take a shortcut, and i'd have been better of f just backtracking, I got lost, very lost... in an area I've lived in for the last 30 years, ended up walking to a bus stop and waiting for a bus.... on the wrong path, I needed the out of the city bus route, so I spent 20 mins walking out of the city, only to catch a bus back into it. Told you I was a fucking brainless bastard!
And I've just been uptight since I came on chat. Think I might avoid this place for a few days, it always has a way of making me feel bad about myself when I'm already scraping the barrel for redemption.
Sounds shite, Eats lots, watch crap in bed and sleep.
That sounds like a crappy day. Liza has it right, nom some yummy foods, watch cheesy telly and wrap up in a blanket. Watch youtube videos. Feel better soon <3